Posted by admin on Jul 13, 2015 in |
The leaf galls of Mangifera indica L. are very characteristic and possess medicinal properties, due to their phytochemical profile. Hence, a pharmacognostic and phytochemical study was carried out. The microscopic evaluation of leaf gall powder of Mangifera indica revealed the presence of calcium oxalate crystals, cork cells with resin and sclerites. The anatomy of mature galls exhibited characteristic anomalous growth with an outer cork layer with cell differentiation. The young galls were only parenchymatous. They also showed the presence of tannins, alkaloids, terpenoids, and flavonoids. The flavanoid in the gall tissue was 60% more than the normal leaf tissue. The fluorescence study of the powder showed very characteristic bright yellow fluorescence indicating the presence of intense flavanoids. Water soluble and acid insoluble ash was found to be 24% and 10% respectively with a moisture content of 0.6%. Further, an in-vitro study on various therapeutic properties of leaf galls will be more...
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Posted by admin on Jul 13, 2015 in |
In the present study, an attempt was made to evaluate the changes in testis protein and metabolic enzyme activities induced by epichlorohydrin (ECH), twenty-four albino male rats were divided randomly into four groups of six rats each. One group was left untreated as controls, and the other three groups were administered, respectively, for twelve consecutive weeks, (2) 50 mg of ECH /kg/b.wt, (3) 75 mg of ECH /kg/b.wt and (4) 100 mg of ECH /kg/b.wt. In comparison with the control group, the doses of ECH (75 mg/kg/b.wt and 100 mg/kg/b.wt) resulted in lower protein levels and higher lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activities in the testis of male rats than in control rats. The activity of gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (γ-GT) decreased significantly at the doses of ECH (75 mg/kg/b.wt and 100 mg/kg/ b.wt) group than in the ECH (50 mg/kg/b.wt) and control group. However, a significant reduction in the activities of Na+/K+– , Mg2+-and Ca2+-ATPases in the (75 mg/kg/b.wt and 100 mg/kg/b.wt) ECH treated animals than control rats. Therefore, these changes in...
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Posted by admin on Jul 13, 2015 in |
In Ethiopian folk medicine, aqueous decoction of the leaves of Salvia schimperi is used for treatments of various ailments including diarrhea, however, to date, there appear to have been no reports on the phytochemistry, the antidiarrhoeal and the antimicrobial activity of the plant. In this study, the hydroalcoholic extract of the leaves of S. schimperi was evaluated for its antidiarrheal and antibacterial activities against castor oil induced diarrhea in mice and six clinically isolated enteric bacterial pathogens using standard agar diffusion methods, respectively. The minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC) of the extracts were also determined using the microdilution method. The extract exerted significant and dose-related antidiarrhoeal activity when compared to the control and the standard drug, loperamide. The extract displayed highest antidiarrhoeal activity at a dose of 400 mg/kg which is comparable with that of the standard drug loperamide. The extract also showed moderate antibacterial effects against most of the test microorganisms except S. typhimurium. Phytochemical analysis of the extract revealed the presence of polyphenolic compounds such as flavonoids and...
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Posted by admin on Jul 13, 2015 in |
Rapid industrialization and modernization have introduced substantial amounts of toxic heavy metals into the aquatic and terrestrial environment which possess a severe threat to flora and fauna. In recent years, considerable research work has been done and is currently underway on some natural biopolymers and their modifications to remove different kinds of heavy metal ions. Chitosan and cellulose, both naturally occurring polysaccharides are the most effective adsorbents for the removal of heavy metal ions from wastewater. This review is aimed to provide relevant and recent information on the application of chitosan, cellulose and their respective derivatives for the removal of toxic heavy metal...
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Posted by admin on Jul 13, 2015 in |
The genus Ruellia L. is sometimes called Dipteracanthus, it comprises about 150 species native to tropical and temperate North and South America. In this review, the literature data on phytochemical and biological investigations of the genus Ruellia are compiled. The well-recognized groups of secondary metabolites were flavonoids, lignans, coumarins, alkaloids, triterpenes, sterols, phenolic glycosides, phenylethanoids, megastigmane glycosides, benzoxazinoid glucosides, and others. The extract of this genus as well as pure compounds isolated from it have been demonstrated to possess multiple pharmacological activities such as wound healing, cardio-vascular, anti-hyperglycemic, antioxidant, antimicrobial, antibacterial, anticancer, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, cytotoxic and gastro-protective activities, purgative and angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory effects, estrogenic and cholinergic properties and anti-fertility...
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