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ISSN (Online): 2348-3962,
ISSN (Print): 2394-5583

International Journal Of Pharmacognosy

An International Journal published monthly
An Official Publication of Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Featured, Portfolio, Gallery | 0 comments

Print issue of International Journal of Pharmacognosy [ P- ISSN 2394-5583]

Print issue of International Journal of Pharmacognosy [ P- ISSN 2394-5583]

Print issue of International Journal of Pharmacognosy has released in UGS sponsored national conferences : “Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine” on 27-28 November, 2014” and Pre-Conference workshop “Proficiency in Advanced Instrumentation methods of Analysis” on 26 November, 2014 organized by Faculty of Unani Medicine,  Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.),...

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Portfolio, Gallery, Featured | 0 comments

UGS sponsored national conferences

UGS sponsored national conferences

International Journal of Pharmacognosy has covered UGS sponsored national conferences : “Relevance of Modern Methods of Studies in Unani Medicine” on 27-28 November, 2014” and Pre-Conference workshop “Proficiency in Advanced Instrumentation methods of Analysis” on 26 November, 2014 organized by Faculty of Unani Medicine, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh (U.P.),...

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Posted by on Sep 15, 2010 in Portfolio | 0 comments

Other Publication

Other Publication

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research (IJPSR) is an official publication of Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences & Research. It is an open access online and print International Journal published monthly. It is a peer reviewed journal aiming to communicate high quality original research work, reviews, short communications, case report, Ethics Forum, Education Forum and Letter to editor that contribute significantly to further the Scientific Knowledge related to the field of Pharmacy i.e. Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutical Microbiology, Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Clinical Pharmacy, Bioinformatics, Pharmaceutical Management, Health Care Management, Hospital Management, Biochemistry,  Regulatory Affairs, Pharmacovigilance, Clinical Research, Hospital Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Quality Assurance, Pharmacy Practice and other pharmacy related fields. Articles with timely interest and newer research concepts will be given more preference. For more details visit...

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