Posted by admin on Oct 31, 2021 in |
Since ancient times, Hypericum species have been used in traditional therapy to treat various complaints. The plant has an important role in medicine and public health. Hypericum oblongifolium is a shrub and is mostly found in hilly areas, commonly called abheda and peoli. Literature review for various articles and journals of traditional Indian medicine revealed that H. oblong folium has a lot of medicinal properties. Leaves, flowers and stems have been reported for medicinal activity. It is traditionally determined that they had been reported for treating respiratory disease, gastric ulcer, snake bite, wound, boils, etc. The plant has also been reported for various pharmacological aspects as anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic activity, etc. However, limited research has been performed on this plant for exploring these traditional uses. The present review explores its biological description, distribution, chemical constituents, pharmacological and traditional activities of H. oblong...
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Posted by admin on Sep 30, 2021 in |
Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is a widely used spice around the world. It has also been explored for its biological properties and bioactive compounds. The significance and efficacy of black pepper and its bioactive compounds in insecticidal, antiviral, antibacterial, antifungal infections are well-acknowledged throughout the world. The secondary metabolites of Piper nigrum L. are responsible for these activities. Piperine is one of the potent components in pest control due to its pungent smell. Eventually, efficient and optimal extraction methodologies are obligatory for the most competent functionalization of black pepper extract. Plausible reports are supporting its impact and application as a natural pesticide to control the pest abundance. The novel, environmentally benevolent natural pesticides are essential for pest control. In this review paper, we tried to summarize all potential, rapid, simple, feasible, and sustainable methods for black pepper extraction, isolation, and mode of action as a pest regulator. Lethal concentration, doses, and application time are the major regulating factors of a natural pesticide. Changes in the growth and developmental...
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Posted by admin on Sep 30, 2021 in |
Syzygium cumini is a smooth and famous tree, about 8 to 15 meters high with white branchlets and reddish young shoots. Leaves are opposite, shiny and leathery, oblong-ovate to elliptic or obovate-elliptic, 6 to 12 centimeters long, the tip is broad and shortly pointed. In Unani, the kernel (Khasta-e-Jamun) is used for the treatment. A lot of pharmacological work has been scientifically carried out on various parts of Syzygium cumini but some other traditionally important therapeutically uses are also remaining to proof till now scientifically. It has astringent, carminative, stomachic, diuretic, antidiabetic, anti-diarrheal, anti-inflammatory, radioprotective, gastro-protective, antioxidant, anti-allergic, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, cardio-protective properties, etc. The various chemical constituents present in Seeds yield glycosides, a trace of pale yellow essential oil, fat, resin, albumin, chlorophyll, an alkaloid- jambosine, gallic acid, 1-galloylglucose, 3-galloylglucose, quercetin, and elements such as zinc, chromium, vanadium, potassium and...
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Posted by admin on Sep 30, 2021 in |
Herbal medicines have attracted the researcher’s attention nowadays AS scientific evidence is regularly coming on their safety and efficacy. The present study of Hobibatul Katan Murakkab (Granules of Flaxseeds Compound) was undertaken to standardize the classical clinically proved effective Unani compound formulation “Hobibatul Katan Murakkab (Granules of Flaxseeds Compound)”. The study revealed the presence of Alkaloids, Glycosides, Tannins, and Fats. The presence of phytochemical compounds shows the potential of the compound in the field of medicine, as has been claimed by the Unani Physicians centuries ago. Preliminary phytochemical screening of the compound formulation has been done on a small scale. The formulation may be standardized on a large scale with full parameters of compound formulations of herbal...
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Posted by admin on Sep 30, 2021 in |
This study deals with the Pharmacognostical physicochemical and phytochemical evaluation of the whole plant of Piper longum L. Pharmacognostical studies includes macroscopic, microscopic, and physicochemical evaluation. Physicochemical constants showed the values of total ash (10%), acid insoluble ash (1%), water-soluble ash (32%), sulphated ash (22%), nitrated ash (18.5%), hot extraction (11.2%), water-soluble extractive (4.8%), ethanol-soluble extractive (12.4%), ether soluble extractive (5.6%), loss on drying (29%), swelling index (0.33) and mucilage content (0.8%) w/w. The preliminary phytochemical screening of the alcoholic extract showed alkaloids, phenolic compounds, tannins, mucilage, starch, steroid, and flavanoids. This study helps to development of different standard parameters of the plant, which help the plant identification and...
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