Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2021 in |
Lantana camara is a plant from the family- Verbenaceae. It is found in many states of India, mostly in Jammu-Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, South India, Uttar Pradesh and various parts of Maharashtra and other countries also. Mainly in disturbed areas, which include roadside, railway tracks, and canals. It is an ornamental plant but,in ancient times, it was used traditionally. The plant has various traditional uses. Parts of plant extracts are used traditionally like the healing of wounds, cuts, skin itches, eczema. The plant containing many more phytoconstituents like alkaloids, glycosides, saponins, steroids, terpenoids, carbohydrates, flavonoids, coumarins, etc. It has various pharmacological activities antioxidant, anti-microbial, antibacterial, antifungal, antiulcerogenic, anthelmintic, anti-hyperglycemic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-cancer, antitubercular, etc. It also has mosquito larvicidal activity. This review article was written by the study of many research and review articles from 1956 to March 2021 in which 72 articles were cited. This article reviewed various phytochemicals present in L. camara. The review draws attention to the traditional uses, analytical work, pharmacological activities and toxicology...
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Posted by admin on Jul 31, 2021 in |
The present era aims to use medicinal plants and their constituents to treat various diseases. The synthetic drugs available in the market are associated with various side effects and follow a tedious and time-consuming process to synthesize. Natural drugs are safe and possess a large therapeutic window, thus gaining interest in the present scenario. These natural drugs are lacking in terms of their receptor action, so the present scenario aims to extract the active constituents of herbal drugs and study their profile aiming at a particular disease. In the present review, we presented the antiasthmatic potential of caffeine (extracted from tea leaves) by studying its effect on adenosine receptors. Our main aim is to study the active constituent present in a specific part of the plant to be extracted and used specifically for a specific receptor instead of the whole...
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Posted by admin on Jul 31, 2021 in |
Hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA) and derivatives are well-known phenolic compounds ubiquitous in plants, showing relevant antioxidant properties as well as cytotoxicity toward several tumor cell lines. They can inhibit cell growth in a manner strongly dependent on their structural properties. Caffeic acid (CA) is one of the most widely distributed hydroxycinnamate and phenylpropanoid metabolites in plant tissues and agricultural wastes. Caffeic acid and its esters have a variety of biological activities, including antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anticancer, antiviral, anti-diabetic, anti-HIV, anti-influenza and antimalarial activities. In most cases, the synthesis of alkyl esters can significantly improve their function. This review is an overview of the available information about the chemical synthesis, anticancer and anti-inflammatory activities of caffeic acid esters. Considering the relevance of these compounds in human health, many of them have been the focus of reviews, taking as a center their obtaining from the plants. There are few revisions that compile the chemical synthesis methods, in this way, we consider that this review does an important...
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Posted by admin on Jul 31, 2021 in |
Pterospermum acerifolium belonging to Sterculiaceae family, commonly known as Bayur Tree, Dinner-plate tree is well distributed in India, particularly in the sub-Himalayan zone and outer Himalayan valleys. It is commonly known as Kanakchampa or Muchukunda. Different parts of the tree have been used to treat many diseases for thousands of years in traditional medicine. Mainly it is used for earache, smallpox, leprosy, inflammation, ulcers, diabetes syndrome, constipation, ascites, abdominal pain, urinary discharge, wound healing, immunosuppressive, hepatoprotective, antihelmintic, antimitotic, anticancer activity. The descriptions of morphology, vernacular names, taxonomy, pharmacological activities, chemical constituents, ethnobotanical use, therapeutic use are richly found in Ayurvedic and contemporary literature. The review article will help the researchers to explore more about the said plant for the larger benefit of...
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Posted by admin on Jul 31, 2021 in |
A good number of medicinal and aromatic plants are used as complementary and alternative medicine in different regions of Nigeria. However, some of this valuable ethnobotanical knowledge has not been formally documented. Hence, the objective of this study was to document the ethnomedicinal plants, their preparations, and applications in managing a variety of ailments in the Oju local government area of Benue State, Nigeria. Twenty-three traditional healers (16 male and 7 female) of different ages (42–75 years) were purposively and randomly selected with the help of administrative personnel in collecting the plant species. A key informant interview guide was used to collect the data. Thirty-three plants species belonging to 26 families were collected and documented. Of the 33 species, 55% were trees, 21% shrubs, 21% herbs, and 3% climbers. Leaves were the most utilized plant part. The routes of administration are mainly internal, in which oral administration is the common one. A total of 23 different prescriptions for the individual plant and in combination were recorded for their healing...
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