Posted by admin on Dec 11, 2015 in |
Herbals are playing a major role in Siddha system of medicine. Herbals contain plant materials as their pharmacologically active components. The aim of the study is to evaluate the acute and sub-acute toxicity of the Siddha herbal preparation Lagu Seena Chooranam (LSC) for the treatment of Scabies in the pediatric age group. For acute studies, different doses of LSC were administered orally to rats once daily for one week. For sub-acute studies, different doses were administered orally to rats once daily for 28 days in various doses at 200, 400 mg/kg of body weight. Detailed hematological, biochemical, necropsy and histopathological evaluation of organs were performed for all animals. Histopathological analysis revealed that spleen, testes, pancreas, lung, liver, brain, heart, stomach, intestine, bone, ovary, and kidney tissues of treated groups did not show any signs of toxicity. No destruction in hepatic, renal, hemopoietic functions was observed throughout the...
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Posted by admin on Dec 11, 2015 in |
Kameela or Kamala is a well known Unani drug which is being used as medicament from centuries for the treatment of Amraze Jildiya (skin disease) by Unani Physicians and also mentioned their medicinal efficacy in Unani classical text. It is widely scattered perennial shrub or small tree in tropical and subtropical region regions with an altitude below the 1,000 m and is a description to have a broad range of pharmacological activities. There are many chemical constituents documented such as phenols, steroids diterpenoids, triterpenoids, flavonoids, coumarins, isocoumarins, cardenolides and particularly phenols; that is, bergenin, mallotophilippinens, rottlerin, and isorottlerin have been isolated, identified, and reported different biological activities such as antimicrobial, cytotoxicity, antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory. Roghan Kameela and Zimad Jarb are well established compound drug of Unani system for the treatment of Jarb (Scabies) and Kharish (itching) which is time tested and safe. The present review reveals that Mallotus philippinensis is a precious source of natural medicament and provides persuasive support for its potential use in a modern...
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Posted by admin on Dec 11, 2015 in |
Elimination and Eradication is an important component of the Global Strategy for combating malaria, and one of the ways of achieving this purpose is blocking the transmission of malaria parasites from humans to mosquito vectors. The ability of Plasmodium to cease asexual replication in the erythrocytes of the human host and commit to the formation of gametes necessary for sexual replication in the gut of the mosquito vector is essential for efficient transmission of malaria. Although a conserved member of the Apicomplexan AP2 family of transcriptional factors acts as the master switch in triggering the transcriptional cascade that initiates gametocytogenesis, some environmental factors including some antimalarial drug treatments, are believed to switch on the gene(s) that determine the commitment to the sexual phase. Antimalarial agents have different effects on gametocyte carriage depending on their mechanisms of action. This review enumerates the role of various classes of antimalarial agents in either promoting or preventing plasmodium gametocytogenesis and points out the need to, in addition to exiting gametocytocidal, design new drugs...
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Posted by admin on Oct 21, 2015 in |
In the present study, the photochemistry of fluoroquinolone antibiotic drug-besifloxacin (1) was investigated under mild conditions similar to those encountered in biological systems namely aerobic as well as an anaerobic condition with UV-A light. When besifloxacin (1) was irradiated with a high-pressure mercury lamp under aerobic conditions it afforded 7-(2-Amino-5-oxo-pentylamino)-8-chloro-1-cyclopropyl-6-fluoro-4-oxo- 1, 4 – dihydro-quinoline-3-carboxylic acid as photoproduct (2) and under anaerobic condition it afforded 7-(3-Amino-azepan-1-yl)-1-cyclo propyl-6-fluoro-8-hydroxy-4-oxo-1,4dihydro-quinoline-3-carboxylic acid as photoproduct (3). The formation of photoproduct was explained by the type-I and type II mechanism of...
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Posted by admin on Oct 20, 2015 in |
A survey was conducted to collect information about the effective medicinal plants used by the Traditional healer to treat diabetes. The use of herbal drugs increased worldwide because of the lack of side effects and efficacy. Traditional healing is practicing throughout the world to treat several diseases. Glycemic disease has become a severe issue in India and all over the world. The traditional healer of West Godavari district studied for the use of medicinal plants to treat diabetes. We report 19 species of plants which are active against diabetes and about the scientific studies that have been conducted on...
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