Posted by admin on Apr 30, 2024 in |
The soursop plant scientifically known as Annona muricata L, is a tropical evergreen tree belonging to the Annonaceae family. The tropical fruit-bearing soursop is used for traditional medicinal benefits. This review offers a thorough analysis of the soursop plant’s pharmacological activities, phytochemical composition, and botanical characteristics. Soursop belongs to the Annonaceae family and is native to regions of South America, Asia, and Africa. The tree produces large, heart-shaped fruits with a delicate, white pulp that contains seeds and outer prickly green shell. The fruits are popular in drinks and sweets and are usually eaten...
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Posted by admin on Apr 30, 2024 in |
Since time immemorial, natural products have been the backbone of traditional system of healing throughout the globe and have also been an integral part of history and culture. Hence Baphia pubescence has been used ethnomedicinally to treat various diseases. The leaf or leaf juice is applied against parasitic skin diseases. A leaf infusion is drunk to cure enteritis and other gastrointestinal problems. The leaves and bark are considered haemostatic and anti-inflammatory and are used for healing sores and wounds. The leaves infusion is used to treat malarial infections as well as other microbial infections. As a result, it is pertinent to study the toxicity of the plant. The toxicological study both acute and chronic were evaluated according to standard methods. Acute andChronic toxicity studies of B. pubescens indicated that the plant is relatively safe at the therapeutic dose. The toxicity of the plant was shown to be dose dependent. The kidney and liver enzymes increased with increasing doses whereas the histopathological damage after long administration on these organs was...
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Posted by admin on Apr 30, 2024 in |
As old as humanity and civilization itself, the idea of beauty and their cosmetics. Humans have used herbs for many different things, including food, medicine, and cosmetics. Examples of herbal plants whose isolated compounds have been studied for their ability to treat dry skin include aloe vera and coconut oil. The anti-aging properties of plants like ginkgo and carrot have been researched. Green tea and turmeric were researched for their ability to protect the skin. Studies on the anti-dandruff properties of herbal plants like henna, neem and shikakai have been conducted. The natural ingredients in hair cosmetics offer the hair a glossy, smooth appearance and help treat a range of hair problems such as alopecia. Cosmetics by themselves are not enough to care for skin and other body parts; a combination of active ingredients is needed to stop skin damage and ageing. Beauty items are referred as a herbal cosmetics which, as a result of the herbal element, possesses favourable physiological activities like healing, smoothing appearance, boosting, and conditioning...
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Posted by admin on Apr 30, 2024 in |
Plants serve humans as primary sources for food and medicines, so their use in treating diseases is very important for leading a healthy life. Our ancestors employed numerous plants for medicinal purposes, urging the imperative for scientific validation of these traditional practices. Ficus virens (F. virens) is commonly known as white fig, pilkhanand plaksa, one such plant that belongs to the family Moraceae and normally found in India, Southeast Asia, Malaysia, and northern Australia, this plant contains chemical constituents like phenols, flavonoids, tannins, saponins, vitamins, anthocyanins, glycosides, alkaloids, and amino acids. Not much scientific support was given to the folklore claims of the plant, and some of its traditional uses have been investigated, including anti-diabetic, anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective effect, wound healing properties, anti-hyperlipidemic, anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial, anti-implantation, anti-ovulatory, anti-estrogenic, and anti-cancer activity. As per the literature review, the detailed pharmacological information of F. virens is not yet reported. In this review article taxonomy, synonyms, vernacular names, distribution, food value, ethnomedical uses, phytochemicals, and pharmacological activities of F. virens have been...
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Posted by admin on May 31, 2023 in |
Plants are a significant source of medicine and are crucial to attaining WHO goals for the welfare of all people. As more people become aware of natural goods, Limonia acidissima L. (wood apple, elephant apple, monkey fruit) of the Rutaceae family has emerged as one of the most valued plants due to its numerous medical characteristics. The major goal of the current investigation is to recognize and identify various chemical components of the plant that are significant in the field of medicine. So, this article has tried to research the literature on various phytoconstituents, therapeutic benefits, pharmacological activity and ethnobotanical applications, and herbal formulation of Limonia acidissima L. The compiled plant knowledge can be applied to a variety of medical...
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