Posted by admin on Nov 6, 2016 in |
The present study aims to standardize Amritarishta based upon chromatographic and spectral studies. The spectral data and HPTLC fingerprint of ethanolic extract of Amritarishta could be used as a valuable analytical tool in the routine standardization of Amritarishta to check the batch to bath variation. Fraction, I and II of ethanolic extract of Amritarishta and standard luteolin and apigenin, were compared by TLC, HPTLC, and HPLC analysis to evaluate the presence of luteolin and apigenin is employing toluene: ethyl acetate: glacial acetic acid (5:4:1 v/v/v), as a mobile phase respectively. The Rf values (0.64) and (0.81) for luteolin and apigenin in both sample and reference standard were found comparable under UV light at 366 nm respectively. The High-Performance Thin Layer Chromatography method developed for quantization was simple, accurate and specific. The present standardization provides a specific and accurate tool to develop qualifications for identity, transparency, and reproducibility of biomarkers luteolin and apigenin in a liquid...
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Posted by admin on Nov 6, 2016 in |
In the present day world the consumption of fruits, vegetables and natural diet for the prevention of certain diseases, in addition to their nutritional benefits is increased. Jack fruit is well known for its nutritional and therapeutic qualities for many years. The present communication deals on the macroscopical, microscopical, powder microscopical studies along with the preliminary phytochemical studies on the seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. belonging to the family Moraceae. The study revealed the presence of abundant simple to compound starch grains and oil globules in the cotyledon region; powder study revealed the presence of abundant starch grains, spiral to helical xylem vessels, stone cells with broad lumen with the highly lignified wall, orange colored cork cells in surface view. Phytochemical studies revealed the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, starch, flavonoids, saponins, phenols and alkaloids. Seeds are rich in protein, highly nutritious and have numerous culinary uses; starchy flour is also made out of...
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Posted by admin on Nov 6, 2016 in |
Extensive studies have been carried out in the last decade to assess the pharmaceutical potential and screening of the phytochemical constituent, psoralen. This component is found in many plants species and has gained attention nowadays because of its antibacterial, antifungal, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Psoralen is an active component of Babchi oil found in Psoralea corylifolia (P. crylifolia) belonging to family Leguminosae. This review presents an overview of the current status and knowledge on overview, chemistry, synthesis, analysis, irritation, and toxicity of psoralen. Also, formulations of psoralen are also presented here....
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Posted by admin on Sep 29, 2016 in |
The present study was aimed to the investigation of the anthelmintic potential of crude methanolic extract of the leaves of Abrus precatorius Linn. on Indian earth-worm “Pheretima posthum” and “Tubifex tubifex.” Three concentrations (5, 10, 15 mg/ml) of methanolic extract were studied in activity which involved the determination of the time of paralysis (vermifuge) and time of death (vermicidal) of the worms. Piperazine citrate (10 mg/ml) was used as reference standard drug whereas distilled water as the control. Determination of paralysis time and death time of the worms were recorded. The result shows that methanolic extract possesses vermicidal activity and found to be effective as an anthelmintic. Therefore, the anthelmintic activity of the methanolic extract of Abrus precatorius Linn. Leaves have been...
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Posted by admin on Sep 29, 2016 in |
The tribal people depend on plants and plant products for their livelihood, and most of the people still depend on traditional herbal medicine suggested by traditional medicine men or traditional health practitioners (THPs) for their primary health care. In this paper 36 herbal formulations of 59 plant species belonging to 40 families to cure 16 common diseases suggested by 32 traditional health practitioners have been reported from the study area. The main aim of the present work was to give information and documentation of medicinal plants used by the tribals of the study area. The interviews, group discussions collected the ethnomedicinal information and give and take methods with tribal medicine men and traditional health practitioners mainly belonging to Bhil, Garasia, Kathodia and Meena tribes of the study sites. The present study was carried out in the tribal-dominated areas of Rajasthan such as Udaipur, Dungarpur, Banswara, and part of Sirohi and Chittorgarh...
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