AbstractTinospora cordifolia (T. col.), a plant which has great significance in the Ayurvedic system of medicine, has been tested according to modern medical techniques for numerous therapeutic effects like immunomodulation, reducing tumor cells, purification of blood, reducing fatty lipids from body, reduction of glucose and increasing glucose tolerance in case of diabetes and increasing body weight. T. col has been used even during various rheumatic diseases like rheumatoid arthritis and has shown positive therapeutic effects. T. col. reduces the unwanted lipids. It enhances the humoral immune response. It also cleans out the immune complexes from the body. T. col. acts as an adaptogen. It has been reported to both increase and decrease activities of substances in the body, so as to normalize its functionality. It enhances immunity, but on the other hand, it inhibits autoimmunity. This paper is a review of the findings of the medical benefits of T. col., and combining all the information to propose that this plant may be used in the treatment of another rheumatic disease, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE).