AbstractNatural herbs have had to show profound action for many years. The phytochemicals present in plants responsible for preventing disease and promoting health have been studied extensively to establish their efficacy and understand their action’s underlying mechanism. Such studies have included identifying and isolating the chemical components and establishing their biological potency both by in-vitro and in-vivo studies in experimental animals and through epidemiological and clinical-case control studies in man. The present work describes “Isolation, Characterization and Biological Evaluation of Madhuca longifolia seeds”. The seeds were collected, authenticated, shade dried and powdered using a mechanical grinder. The powdered material was extracted by the Soxhletion method by using solvents in increasing order of polarity i.e, hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. The percentage yield of hexane extract was found to be (57.8%), ethyl acetate extract (4.6%) and methanolic extract (18.9%) was respect to the powdered crude drug. Each extract was subjected to preliminary phytochemical screening using standard phytochemical methods. The hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol extracts were found to be rich in many phytoconstituents like fatty acids, lipids, terpenoids, saponins, tanins, aminoacids. The structure of the compound was elucidated by NMR spectra (1H NMR) and IR spectra are used to determine the presence of various functional group in compounds. And the compounds of hexane extract were elucidated as Oleic Acid, Stearic Acid and Shpingosine. Screening of biological activities like antioxidant activity and Anti-Cancer activity of different extracts was done by DPPH assay method and using 6 different cell lines, respectively. The In-vitro antioxidant activity and anti-cancer activity was observed to be more effective in methanolic extract than ethylacetate extract, Hexane extract and pure compound. Study findings also suggest that phytochemicals may reduce risk of toxic effects. A Madhuca longifolia seed has several pharmacological activities and potential to provide Anti cancer activity in methanolic extract of 18.9 % yield.
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R. Naveena, Samyuktha Metta *, S. S. D. Bhavani Raja, Swarna Latha Nagadani and Pravallika Kadagoni
Department of Pharmaceutics, Marri Laxman Reddy Institute of Pharmacy, Hyderabad, Telangana, India.
24 June 2022
17 July 2022
27 July 2022
31 July 2022