AbstractTo evaluate the possible antifertility effect of 50% ethanolic extract of C. bonducella seeds in male rats. Adult, healthy, male Wistar rats were randomly selected and divided into three groups each having 7 rats. Group, I rats were treated with vehicle only and served as control. While group II and Group III rats were orally treated with C. bonducella extract at 200 mg and 400 mg/kg body weight/day, respectively for 60 days. The result of the present study indicated that there was a significant decrease in the relative weights of testes and accessory sex glands in treated rats. The density, motility, and viability of spermatozoa obtained from cauda epididymis were significantly (P<0.01 at 200 mg and P<0.001 at 400 mg) diminished in both treated groups as compared to control group. The serum testosterone level also showed significant (P<0.05 at 200 mg and P<0.01 at 400 mg) decline. The fertility rate and litter size decreased significantly in extract treated rats. Extract treatment also induced alteration in the biochemical milieu of the genital organs. The histopathological study of the tests showed dose-dependent degenerative and atrophic changes. The seminiferous tubules and Leydig cells were shrunk. The number of germ cells and spermatozoa in seminiferous tubules were depleted. Further, a histological study of epididymis also showed degenerative changes in the epithelium and only a few spermatozoa in the lumen of tubules. In conclusion, 50% ethanolic extract of C. bonducella seeds showed the significant antiandrogenic, antispermatogenic effect and consequently declined in fertility of male Wistar rats.