AbstractThis study evaluated the scientific basis for the traditional use of Aegiceras corniculatum (Myrsinaceae) stem extract as an anthelmintic agent. The study design was an investigation of the traditional anthelmintic medicinal plant Aegiceras corniculatum using in-vitro anthelmintic properties of four extracts of the plant were evaluated using earthworms. The earthworm (Pheretima posthuma) resembles both anatomically and physiologically to the intestinal roundworm parasites of human beings. The four crude stem extracts of Aegiceras corniculatum were petroleum ether extract (50 & 100 mg/ml), chloroform extract (50 & 100 mg/ml), methanol extract (50 & 100 mg/ml) and aqueous extract (50 & 100 mg/ml). The paralysis time of petroleum ether extract (96 ± 6.33 & 76 ± 2.31), chloroform extract (116 ± 4.36 & 92 ± 7.50), ethanol extract (62 ± 3.20 & 34 ± 3.52) and aqueous extract (200 ± 2.22 & 180 ± 3.19) were compared to the standard drug Albendazole suspension 100mg / 5ml (5 ± 1.00). The results showed that the four extracts produced dose-dependent and significant anthelmintic activities. From these findings, the four extracts of Aegiceras corniculatum are a rich source of naturally occurring anthelmintic activity. Further work is recommended to evaluate the in-vivo anthelmintic activity and toxicity of the extracts.