R. J. Pawar *, S. A. Govilkar, S. B. Ahire and V. A. Bairagi
Department of Pharmacognosy, K.B.H.S.S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy, Malegaon, Nashik - 423105, Maharashtra, India.
ABSTRACT: Argemone mexicana is an indigenous herb commonly known as Prickly poppy. It belongs to the family Papaveraceae. Argemone mexicana is noted to possess medicinal benefits in the traditional system of medicine. Various parts of the plant were widely used in Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani and Homeopathic medicines. It is reported to have antimicrobial Activity, wound healing property, larvicidal and chemo sterilant activity, nematicidal and allelopathic potential, anti-malarial, antibacterial and antifungal, molluscicidal, anti-cancer, hepatoprotective, anti-HIV and neuro-pharmacological activity. Beyond pharmaceutical efficacies, certain plant parts also show toxic effects as well. Argemone Mexicana oil adulteration poses a serious threat to human health and should be checked by appropriate regulatory measures. Hence, up-to-date information on the chemical and pharmacological knowledge on this plant may be helpful to guide researchers anticipating to undertake further investigations in these directions.
Keywords: |
Argemone mexicana, healing property, Argemone oil
INTRODUCTION: Plants have been used in medicines since time immemorial. India has a rich heritage of using medicinal plants in traditional medicines, as in the Ayurveda, Siddha, and Unani systems besides folklore practices. The plant kingdom is a virtual goldmine of biologically active compounds, and it is estimated that only 10-15% of existing species of higher plants have been surveyed. Many plants have been successfully used in the treatment of various diseases. The ancient record is evidencing their use by Indian, Chinese, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Syrian dates back to about 5000 years.
In India, around 20,000 medicinal plant species have been recorded recently, but more than 500 traditional communities use about 800 plant species for curing different diseases 1. The plant Argemone mexicana belonging to the family Papaveraceae, is a widely distributed plant throughout the sub-tropical and tropical regions of the world.
Mexican, known as Mexican poppy or Mexican prickly poppy, is a species of poppy found in Mexico and now in the United States, India and Ethiopia. In India, around 20,000 medicinal plant species have been recorded recently, but more than 500 traditional communities use about 800 plant species for curing different diseases. Argemone mexicana is extensively used as traditional medicine for the treatment of numerous diseases. Fresh yellow, milky seed extract containing protein-dissolving substances is effective for the treatment of warts, cold sores, skin diseases, itching and jaundice 2. Argemone mexicana has been investigated in terms of modern pharmacology for its antimalarial Activity. WHO had given the information that traditional medicines are safe for the treatment of infections originated from microbial and non-micro-bialorigin 3, 4, 5.
Different Names of Argemone mexicana: 6, 7
Languages | Names |
Bengali | Siyal-Kanta |
Hindi | Satyanashi, Bharband |
Kannada | Datturigidda |
Konkani | Phirangidhutro |
Malayalam | Ponnummattu |
Malayalam | Khomthongpee |
Marathi | Firangidhotra |
Kingdom | Plantae |
Division | Magnoliophyta |
Class | Magnoliopsida Dicotyledons |
Subclass | Magnoliidae |
Order | Papaverales |
Family | Papavaraceae |
Species | Argemone mexicana |
The plant is an erect prickly annual herb of about 1 m high; leaves are usually 5 to 11 cm long, and more or less blotched with green and white, glaucous broad at the base, half-clasping the stem prominently sinuate-lobed and spiny 8.
The flowers of this plant having a 2-3 foliaceous bracts. Sepals of this 8-12 mm long and 5-7 mm broad and acute in shapes, prickly is outside. Petals are 4-6 obovate in shapes and 2.5-3.5 cm long and (1.5-) 2-2.5 cm in broad and bright yellow colour. Stamens are indefinite, 8-12 mm long curved after flowering.
Ovary ovate is 8-10 mm long and 3-5 mm broad covered with long soft spines. Fruits are capsules, prickly and oblong ovoid. Seeds are numerous, globosely, netted, and brownish-black. Pollen is tri-tetracolporate. The flowers become 4 to 5 cm in diameter and are terminal, yellow, and scentless 9.
Phyto-chemistry: Higher plants are warehouses of assorted bioactive constituents or phytochemicals which find ample use in the pharmaceutical industry. About a quarter of all prescribed pharmaceuticals in advanced countries contain compounds that are directly or indirectly derived from plants. Phytochemicals or secondary metabolites usually occur in complex mixtures that differ among plant organs and stages of development. Knowledge of the phytochemical constituents is essential to enable investigation of the actual effectiveness of the plant in medicine.
Argemone mexicana is known to possess a wide range of phytochemical constituents, which are mentioned below. The table gives the details of the phytochemical constituents that have been reported from different parts of Argemone mexicana 10. Argemone mexicana is reported to possess alkaloids 11, 12, amino acids, phenolics and fatty acids as major phytochemical groups. A series of bioactive compounds have been reported, and some of them are isolated from different parts of Argemone mexicana.
The whole plant of Argemone mexicana was reported to possess isoquinoline alkaloids such as berberine, cheilanthi foline, coptisine, muramine, scoulerine, stylopine, cryptopine, thalifone, sanguinarine, protopine, optisine, chelerytherine and benzyl-isoquinoline alkaloids 13, 14 Alkaloids such as berberine, tetrahydroberberine, protopine, and Benzophenanthridines have been isolated from the plant. Seed oil, otherwise called Argemone Mexicana oil reported containing sanguinarine and dihydrosanguinarine. It also contains palmitic, myristic, oleic, and linoleic acids. Some of the structures of isolated compounds of this plant are shown in Fig. 1 and 2.
Biological Activity: Reports on biological activities are many. The alkaloid Sanguinarine has been reported to prolong ventricular refractoriness, and this property may be useful in the treatment of ventricular arrhythmias. Plants are known to produce a variety of compounds that have evolved as defense compounds against microbes and herbivores. The elaboration on the biochemically active ingredients and the medicinal properties of Argemone mexicana elicits queries on the effect of plant extracts on other biological organisms. Argemone mexicana showed promise as an effective bio-control agent. The extracts of Argemone mexicana possess inhibitory, deterrent or lethal Activity on biological agents that cause disease and damage to other organisms. Table 3 summarises the effect of Argemone mexicana on different pathogens and pests 17.
Activity | Action against |
Anti-fertility | Spermatogenesis in dogs |
Anticancer | Human cancer cell lines such as HeLa-B75 (48%), HL-60(20.15%) and PN-15 (58.11%), HeLa and MCF-7 Cancer cell lines |
Anti-termitic | Formosan subterranean termite pest, Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki |
Wound healing | Animals, albino rats, Wistar albino rats |
Larvicidal | 2nd instar larvae of Aedesaegypti, |
Analgesic, Locomotor | Wistar albino mice |
Medicinal Uses: 20
Anti-Diabetic Activity | Fever |
Anti-hepatotoxic Activity | Antidote |
Anti-HIV Activity | Jaundice |
Oral care activity | For cleaning |
Anti-fertility Activity | Skin diseases |
Expectorant | Hepatoprotective Activity |
Fever: Roots of Argemone mexicana are ground with Piper nigrum. The latex is useful in malarial fever. One spoonful of the obtained extract is given twice a day for 5 days 21.
Scabies: Seeds are roasted on the hot iron pan to get ash applied regularly till the cured 22.
Skin Diseases: Along with the pounded seeds of Argemone mexicana the pate prepared and applied on the skin. The oil is useful for skin diseases.
The fresh yellow extract also used for skin diseases. The whole plant parts used in skin diseases.
Antidote: The fresh yellow, milky seed extract contains protein-dissolving substances effective in the treatment of antidote to various poisons. A paste of 20 g root of Argemone mexicana along with 20 g petiole of Maharukh (Ailanthus excels Roxb.) is applied on the snake bite area as an antidote 23.
Expectorant: They are expectorant and can be used in the treatment of coughs and other chest complaints. The alkaloid fractions of the root are reported to possess anti-inflammatory Activity and strong uterine stimulant effect.
Tooth Ache and Gastric Problems: Extract applied into the tooth activity extract uncooked with the river water and black pepper taken as an orally.
Wound: The fresh seed can be used for wound healing problems. Yellow-colored latex extracted from the fresh stem of Argemone mexicana is used to cure wounds 24.
Jaundice: Plant juice of Argemone mexicana is used orally. 2-3 spoons daily for one week is used to cure jaundice. Tea from dried leaves is used to quit smoking and drug abuse 25.
For Curing Injuries and to Kill Worms: Argemone mexicana (Papaveraceae) Sathyanashi. 1. Oil is extracted from seeds of Argemone mexicana. It is applied to injuries. 2. Seeds of Argemone mexicana are burnt, and the fumes are passed on gums to kill worms 26.
For Cleaning Body: The series of sonera-mexicouse the entire plant both fresh and dried. An infusion is made to relieve kidney pain, to help expel a torn placenta, and in general to help cleanse the body after parturition 27.
Malaria: An Argemone mexicana tea is used by traditional healers in Mali to treat malaria. The whole plant is used to make a tea, and as much tea as possible is drunk until symptoms disappear. This use has been studied clinically for the treatment of uncomplicated malaria 28, 29, 30.
Anti-fertility Activity: seeds of Argemone mexicana were evaluated to have inhibitory activity against spermatogenesis in dogs at stage XII of late spermatids on administration 31.
Cytotoxic Activity: line. At a dose of 200 μg/mL, protomexicine and 13-oxoprotopine exhibited mild cytotoxicity (∼24–28%), whereas dehydrocorydal-mine showed moderate cytotoxicity (∼48%). 8-Oxyberberine was mildly cytotoxic (∼27%) at 24 h but was more potent (∼76%) at 48 h. Jatrorrhizine and 8-methoxydihydrosanguinarine were most potent (∼95– 100%) in inhibiting the human colon cancer cell proliferation showing a complete reduction in cell viability 32.
Antimicrobial Activity: Pharmaceutical and toxicological studies of the root essential oils can be done in the future to identify its pure compound and elucidate the components responsible for these antimicrobial activities 33.
Anti-diabetic Activity: Aqueous extract of aerial parts of Argemone mexicana at a dose of 200 and 400 mg/kg body weight was reported to have hypoglycemic efficacy in alloxan-induced diabetic rats; significant reduction in blood glucose levels, plasma urea, creatinine, triacylglyceride, cholesterol values and recovery in body weight compared to diabetic control rats and the standard drug-treated rats are found when treated with the aqueous extract at a dose of 400 mg/kg body weight 34.
Anti-HIV Activity: Thebenzo [c] phenanthridine alkaloid, (±)-6-acetonyl dihydrochelerythrine isolated from the methanolic extract of air-dried whole plants of Argemone mexicana was found to exhibit potent anti-HIV activity 35.
Anticancer Activity: The ethanol extract of Argemone mexicana was reported to exhibit inhibitory activity against human cancer cell lines such as HeLa-B75 (48%), HL-60 (20.15%) and-15 (58.11%) 36.
Anti-hepatotoxic Activity: Das et al., (2009) showed promising antihepatotoxic Activity of aqueous extract of A. mexican astem in carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxic male Albino Wistar rats in oral administration 37.
Neuropharmacological Activity: Reported on neuropharmacological applications of Argemone mexicana. According to that, in Wistar albino mice at an oral dosage of 100, 200, and 400 mg/kg b.w, the ethyl acetate and methanol extract of the whole plant of Argemone mexicana exhibited analgesic, locomotor, and muscle relaxant activity.
Both extracts exhibited significant activities, but methanol extract at a dosage of 200 mg/kg body weight was found to be more potent for central nervous system activities such as analgesic, anxiolytic and sedative effects 38.
Oral Care Activity: the whole plant of Argemone mexicana is used for common dental disorders 39.
Hepatoprotective Activity: Showed very insignificant changes instead of producing toxicity compared to the normal group. That is the percent of the increase of SGPT and SGOT for Argemone mexicana were 79.77% and 4.4%, respectively 40.
Adulteration: Consumption of adulterated mustard oil (Brassica nigra) with argemone oil (Argemone mexicana) even for a short duration leads to epidemic dropsy.
In humans, adulteration of mustard oil with Argemone oil causes oxidative stress and death of red blood cells via met-hemoglobin formation by altering pyridine nucleotide (s) and glutathione redox potential. Argemone oil contamination poses a serious threat to human health 41.
Poisoning: Sanguinarine and dihydrosanguinarine, the inter-convertible alkaloids, are the toxic etiological agents of argemone oil 42. The electro-philic nature of the iminium group in sanguinarine is responsible for binding to DNA by interaction with GC rich regions 43, 44. argemone oil and isolated sanguinarine alkaloid cause DNA damage in the liver, bone marrow, and blood cells. Argemone mexicana oil contamination poses a serious threat to human health 45. Suspected cases of epidemic dropsy have been investigated by Dr. R.E. Meaker in the North-western Cape districts.
In all aspects, the disease resembled the Indian epidemic dropsy. In experiments conducted upon fowls with the seed of the Mexican poppy collected from the lands on which the wheat is eaten by the victims was grown, symptoms and histological lesions similar to those seen in the human epidemic were produced. With the information at our disposal, we can come to no conclusion other than that the said outbreak in the Carnarvon district was epidemic dropsy caused by the consumption of wheat contaminated with the seed of the Mexican poppy 46.
CONCLUSION: The broad survey of literature reviewed that Argemone mexicana has some significant medicinal activity but also cause significant toxicity. Few isolated novel chemical constituents show anti-HIV properties also.
Further, evaluation needs to be carried out on Argemone mexicana in order to explore masked areas, which can be used for the wellbeing of the manhood. There is a possibility to identify the new compound and check claimed pharmacological Activity by eliminating toxic effects.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I would like to express my very greatappreciation to Dr. V. A Bairagi for his valuable suggestions during the writing of this review article. I would like to express my deep gratitude to Professor S.A Govilkar and Professor S.B. Ahire for their patient guidance, enthusiastic encouragement and useful critiques of this review article. Finally, I wish to thank my parents for their support and encouragement
CONFLICTS OF INTEREST: The Authors declares that there is no conflict of interest.
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How to cite this article:
Pawar RJ, Govilkar SA, Ahire SB and Bairagi VA: A review: Argemone mexicana is an indigenous herb. Int J Pharmacognosy 2020; 7(6): 137-43. doi link: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.IJP.7(6).137-43.
This Journal licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-commercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License.
Article Information
R. J. Pawar *, S. A. Govilkar, S. B. Ahire and V. A. Bairagi
Department of Pharmacognosy, K.B.H.S.S. Trust’s Institute of Pharmacy, Malegaon, Nashik, Maharashtra, India.
15 March 2020
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